In this tutorial we will use the Object Storage to create buckets and objects with and limit the access to these by applying ACLs. We will be using the s3cmd S3 client and the python library boto3 to manage our resources.
A word of caution
If possible stick to canned ACLs. We want to discourage the usage of custom ACLs.
Due to the implementation and the unintuitive way of setting ACLs, we see a huge potential of misconfiguration.
If you insist on using custom ACLs, please try to confirm they are working as intended.
We suggest you use the python library boto3 to reproduce all scenarios shown in this tutorial. Using only s3cmd will leave buckets open for group members. We are in contact with the software manufacturer of our object storage about that.
To be able to create our buckets, objects and ACLs we first will need to get our access and secret key of the ec2 credentials of our OpenStack user.
For s3cmd we have to create following configuration file (example is in DBL region):
syseleven@kickstart:~$ cat .s3cfg
access_key = < REPLACE ME >
secret_key = < REPLACE ME >
use_https = True
check_ssl_certificate = True
check_ssl_hostname = False
#host_base =
#host_bucket = %(bucket)
#website_endpoint = https://%(bucket)
#website_endpoint =
host_base =
host_bucket = %(bucket)
#website_endpoint = https://%(bucket)
website_endpoint =
#host_base =
#host_bucket = %(bucket)
#website_endpoint =
#website_endpoint = https://%(bucket)
We can configure an s3 client with the boto3 library using following python snippet (example is in DBL region):
import boto3
import botocore
# Get our session
session = boto3.session.Session()
s3 = session.resource(
service_name = 's3',
aws_access_key_id = "my-access-key",
aws_secret_access_key = "my-secret-key",
#endpoint_url = ''
endpoint_url = ''
#endpoint_url = ''
# Get our client
s3client = s3.meta.client
In the following sections we will take a look at different scenarios for using ACLs in our object storage.
Using the S3 client s3cmd or the S3 python library boto3 we can create buckets and objects. By default these buckets and objects will be read/writeable by all your OpenStack project members (to be more specific, the buckets created without defining any ACL will be accessible for all users who have created ec2 credentials for the underlying OpenStack project).
To do so with s3cmd:
echo "project members can read me" > test.txt
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> mb s3://project-scope-bucket
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> put test.txt s3://project-scope-bucket/project-scope-object.txt
And using the boto3 library with our previously-created python s3client.
s3client.put_object(Body="project members can read me", Bucket="project-scope-bucket", Key="project-scope-object.txt")
Great! We successfully created our first bucket and object using the default private
ACL. There are other predefined ACLs which we may use and we will take a look at them in the next step.
If you do not need complex ACLs you may be already fine with using predefined ACLs. They cover use-cases such as making a bucket/object read/writeable from everyone with access to your OpenStack project or making a bucket/object public readable.
In the step before we already used such a predefined ACL. In that case it was the default private
ACL. Another predefined ACL which may be suitable for your use-case is the public-read
It can be set using the already known s3cmd command with an additional flag:
echo "everyone out there can read me" > test.txt
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> mb s3://public-scope-bucket -P
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> put test.txt s3://public-scope-bucket/public-file.txt -P
Or using the boto3 library:
s3client.put_object(Body="public-readable", Bucket="public-scope-bucket", Key="public-file.txt", ACL="public-read")
There are further predefined ACLs (called canned ACLs in AWS) which may or may not be supported by the implementation of our object storage. For more information please have a look at our related Object Storage reference guide.
To set up a more fine grained control on who can access which buckets or objects we have to define our own ACLs. S3cmd as well as the boto3 python library support setting ACLs on bucket and object level. We can narrow down ACLs for user names, group names and project IDs to specific values:
We will take a look at the different schemes how and where we can use these values in the following sections.
Narrow down ACLs on specific OpenStack users
Scheme: u:<user-name>/<project-ID>
Be aware
For the user scope ACLs to work, your username unfortunately has to be POSIX compliant. If you have a username containing unsupported characters (e.g. @
from a mail address) please contact our Support (
This use-case cannot be implemented using s3cmd. Our tests show it fails to revoke group read access on the bucket.
s3client.create_bucket(Bucket="owner-scope-bucket", GrantFullControl="")
s3client.put_object(Body="only readable by owner", Bucket="owner-scope-bucket", Key="owner-scope-object.txt", GrantFullControl="")
s3client.put_object(Body="also only readable by owner", Bucket="owner-scope-bucket", Key="project-scope-object.txt")
As the bucket ACL is limiting access on the bucket to the owner himself, any object inside of this bucket (also new objects) will only be read/writeable by the owner.
s3client.create_bucket(Bucket="project-scope-readonly-bucket", GrantFullControl="<your-OpenStack-project-ID>", GrantRead="ID=<your-OpenStack-project-ID>")
s3client.put_object(Body="only visible and writeable by owner", Bucket="project-scope-readonly-bucket", Key="owner-scope-object.txt", GrantFullControl="<your-OpenStack-project-ID>")
s3client.put_object(Body="read-writeable-by-all-project-members", Bucket="project-scope-readonly-bucket", Key="project-scope-object.txt")
s3client.put_object(Body="only-readable-by-all-project-members", Bucket="project-scope-readonly-bucket", Key="project-scope-readonly-object.txt", GrantRead="ID=<your-OpenStack-project-ID>")
The owner-scope-object.txt
object is only visible and read/writeable for the owner. The project-scope-object.txt
object will be read/writeable for all project members as the ACLs for this object were not further narrowed down. The project-scope-readonly-object.txt
object will be readable (readonly) for all project members.
To achieve the same ACLs using s3cmd, it would look like the following:
# Create the bucket
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> mb s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket
# Narrow down default full_control ACL
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-revoke=full_control:<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket
# Create and narrow down ACLs for owner scope object
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> put test.txt s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/owner-scope-object.txt
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-revoke=full_control:<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/owner-scope-object.txt
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-revoke=full_control:g:<your-OpenStack-group-name>/<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/owner-scope-object.txt
# Create default object
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> put test.txt s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/project-scope-object.txt
# Create and narrow down ACLs for project readonly object
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> put test.txt s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/project-scope-readonly-object.txt
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-revoke=full_control:<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/project-scope-readonly-object.txt
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-revoke=full_control:g:<your-OpenStack-group-name>/<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/project-scope-readonly-object.txt --acl-grant=read:<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://project-scope-readonly-bucket/project-scope-readonly-object.txt
Set ACLs for specific OpenStack groups
Scheme: g:<group-name>/<project-ID>
Be aware
By default every OpenStack project has one group which contains all users with access to the project. Users currently are not able to see their group memberships. Please contact our Support ( if you need a list of your project's group names.
This use-case cannot be fully implemented using s3cmd. Our tests show it fails to distinguish between groups if the groups refer to the same project.
s3client.create_bucket(Bucket="group-scope-readwrite-bucket", GrantFullControl="<your-OpenStack-project-ID>", GrantRead="<your-OpenStack-project-ID>")
s3client.put_object(Body="writeable by group one, readable by group two ", Bucket="group-scope-readwrite-bucket", Key="group-scope-readwrite-object.txt", GrantFullControl="<your-OpenStack-project-ID>", GrantRead="<your-OpenStack-project-ID>")
s3client.put_object(Body="writeable by group one, invisible to group two ", Bucket="group-scope-readwrite-bucket", Key="group-scope-group-one-object.txt", GrantFullControl="<your-OpenStack-project-ID>")
Using s3cmd to set up similar ACLs (but referring to a different project for the second group):
# Create the bucket
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> mb s3://group-scope-readwrite-bucket
# Revoke full_control ACL for project members
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-revoke=full_control:<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://group-scope-readwrite-bucket
# Afterwards allow full_control for your group members
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-grant=full_control:g:<group-name-with-readwrite-access>/<your-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://group-scope-readwrite-bucket
# And grant read access for the other group
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-grant=read:g:<group-name-with-readonly-access>/<not-the-same-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://group-scope-readwrite-bucket
# Create object which will be read+writeable for one group and only readable for the second
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> put test.txt s3://group-scope-readwrite-bucket/group-scope-readwrite-object.txt
s3cmd -c <your-s3-config> setacl --acl-grant=read:g:<group-name-with-readonly-access>/<not-the-same-OpenStack-project-ID> s3://group-scope-readwrite-bucket/group-scope-readwrite-object.txt
If you need specific groups or users for setting up your desired ACLs please feel free to contact our Support (