API for Quota and Usage Information


For many resource types like instances, vCPUs, volume storage you can check the limits and the current usage in the dashboard (Horizon) or use the standard OpenStack APIs to collect the data in some automation. But information about quota and usage of object storage (SEOS, S3) is not available using standard APIs.

For quota and usage information including object storage the SysEleven Stack offers an own API.


For queries to the quota API you need an OpenStack Keystone token to authenticate with. If you installed the OpenStack command line tools you can create a token with the command openstack token issue.

openstack token issue
| Field      | Value                            |
| expires    | 2019-11-02T06:43:11+0000         |
| id         | gAAAAABiI...                     |
| project_id | 11111111111111111111111111111111 |
| user_id    | 22222222222222222222222222222222 |

The token ("id" row in the table) has to be passed in the X-Auth-Token header of the API requests.

With the following command you may directly assign a new token to a shell variable:

token=$(openstack token issue -c id -f value)

API versions

There are 2 versions of the API: v1 and v2. Version v2 extends the data schema for usage and quota API endpoints to add values related to Octavia load balancers. The following examples use v2-based URLs, but v1 is still supported (just replace v2 with v1 in the URL).

Query quota limits


GET https://api.cloud.syseleven.net:5001/v2/projects/{project_id}/quota

Request parameters

| Name | Where | Description |
| ------------ | -------- | ----------- |
| project_id | URL path | The OpenStack project ID. It needs to be the same as the one the token was created with. |
| X-Auth-Token | Header | Token for authenticating the request. |
| regions | URL query parameter | Optionally restrict the regions to be queried. Comma-separated list of region names. If no region is given here, all regions are queried. |


  • Project ID "11111111111111111111111111111111"
  • Regions cbk and dbl
token=$(openstack token issue -c id -f value)
curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" 'https://api.cloud.syseleven.net:5001/v2/projects/11111111111111111111111111111111/quota?regions=cbk,fes'


The response contains the quota information in JSON format. Example for a response with information about regions cbk and fes:

  "cbk": {
    "compute.cores": 50,
    "compute.instances": 50,
    "compute.ram_mb": 204800,
    "dns.zones": 10,
    "loadbalancer.healthmonitors": 200,
    "loadbalancer.listeners": 200,
    "loadbalancer.loadbalancers": 15,
    "loadbalancer.members": 300,
    "loadbalancer.pools": 200,
    "network.floatingips": 50,
    "network.lb_healthmonitors": 1024,
    "network.lb_listeners": 1024,
    "network.lb_members": 128,
    "network.lb_pools": 128,
    "network.loadbalancers": 1024,
    "network.vpn_endpoint_groups": -1,
    "network.vpn_ikepolicies": -1,
    "network.vpn_ipsec_site_connections": -1,
    "network.vpn_ipsecpolicies": -1,
    "network.vpn_services": -1,
    "s3.space_bytes": 4294967296,
    "volume.space_gb": 1000,
    "volume.volumes": 1024
  "fes": {
    "compute.cores": 60,
    "compute.instances": 60,
    "compute.ram_mb": 245760,
    "dns.zones": 10,
    "loadbalancer.healthmonitors": 200,
    "loadbalancer.listeners": 200,
    "loadbalancer.loadbalancers": 15,
    "loadbalancer.members": 300,
    "loadbalancer.pools": 200,
    "network.floatingips": 50,
    "network.vpn_endpoint_groups": -1,
    "network.vpn_ikepolicies": -1,
    "network.vpn_ipsec_site_connections": -1,
    "network.vpn_ipsecpolicies": -1,
    "network.vpn_services": -1,
    "s3.space_bytes": -1,
    "volume.space_gb": 1000,
    "volume.volumes": 1024

Overview of fields:

Field Description Notes
compute.cores Number of virtual cores
compute.instances Number of virtual machines (servers, instances)
compute.ram_mb RAM for virtual machines in MiB
dns.zones Number of DNS zones
loadbalancer.healthmonitors Number of Octavia LBaaS health monitors since v2
loadbalancer.listeners Number of Octavia LBaaS listeners since v2
loadbalancer.members Number of Octavia LBaaS pool members since v2
loadbalancer.pools Number of Octavia LBaaS pools since v2
loadbalancer.loadbalancers Number of Octavia LBaaS load balancers since v2
network.floatingips Number of floating IP addresses
network.lb_healthmonitors Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 health monitors only in regions cbk and dbl
network.lb_listeners Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 listeners only in regions cbk and dbl
network.lb_members Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 pool members only in regions cbk and dbl
network.lb_pools Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 pools only in regions cbk and dbl
network.loadbalancers Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 load balancers only in regions cbk and dbl
network.vpn_endpoint_groups Number of VPNaaS endpoint groups
network.vpn_ikepolicy Number of VPNaaS IKE policies
network.vpn_ipsec_site_connections Number of VPNaaS site connections
network.vpn_ipsecpolicies Number of VPNaaS IPSec policies
network.vpn_services Number of VPNaaS VPN services
s3.space_bytes Limit of Object Storage (S3) size in bytes
volume.space_gb Limit of Block Storage size (for volumes) in GiB
volume.volumes Number of Block Storage volumes

A limit of -1 means "unlimited", 0 means "no resources".

Query current usage


GET https://api.cloud.syseleven.net:5001/v2/projects/{project_id}/current_usage

Request parameters

Name Where Description
project_id URL path The OpenStack project ID. It needs to be the same as the one the token was created with.
X-Auth-Token Header Token for authenticating the request.
regions URL query parameter Optionally restrict the regions to be queried. Comma-separated list of region names. If no region is given here, all regions are queried.
filter URL query parameter Optionally restrict the components to be queried. Comma-separated list of component names like "compute", "network", etc. See below for a list

Using the regions and filter parameters you may restrict the query to regions and/or components.
If you are only interested in the usage information of certain components, using those filters allows
to accelerate the queries because unnecessary internal communication to other components or regions is

Component names supported by filter

Filter name Details
compute Compute resources
dns DNS zones
loadbalancer Load balancer resources (Octavia LBaaS); since v2
network Network resources (excl. LBaaS and VPNaaS)
network.lb Neutron LBaaS v2 resources
network.vpn VPNaaS resources
s3 Object storage consumption
volume Block storage resources


  • Project ID "11111111111111111111111111111111"
  • Regions cbk and fes
  • Filter for components "compute" and "s3"
token=$(openstack token issue -c id -f value)
curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" 'https://api.cloud.syseleven.net:5001/v2/projects/11111111111111111111111111111111/current_usage?regions=cbk,fes&filter=compute,s3'


The response contains the information about the currently-used resources in JSON format. Example of a response with data about regions cbk and fes (and without a component filter):

  "cbk": {
    "compute.cores": 3,
    "compute.flavors": {
      "m1c.tiny": 3
    "compute.instances": 3,
    "compute.ram_mb": 6144,
    "dns.zones": 2,
    "loadbalancer.flavors": {
      "failover-small": 1
    "loadbalancer.healthmonitors": 1,
    "loadbalancer.listeners": 1,
    "loadbalancer.loadbalancers": 1,
    "loadbalancer.members": 2,
    "loadbalancer.pools": 1,
    "network.floatingips": 4,
    "network.lb_healthmonitors": 0,
    "network.lb_listeners": 0,
    "network.lb_members": 0,
    "network.lb_pools": 0,
    "network.loadbalancers": 0,
    "network.vpn_endpoint_groups": 0,
    "network.vpn_ikepolicies": 1,
    "network.vpn_ipsec_site_connections": 1,
    "network.vpn_ipsecpolicies": 1,
    "network.vpn_services": 1,
    "s3.space_bytes": 48,
    "volume.space_gb": 6,
    "volume.volumes": 4
  "fes": {
    "compute.cores": 50,
    "compute.flavors": {
      "m1.medium": 5,
      "m1.small": 3,
      "m1.xxlarge": 1
    "compute.instances": 9,
    "compute.ram_mb": 204800,
    "dns.zones": 2,
    "loadbalancer.flavors": {
      "failover-small": 2,
      "standalone-tiny": 1
    "loadbalancer.healthmonitors": 3,
    "loadbalancer.listeners": 3,
    "loadbalancer.loadbalancers": 3,
    "loadbalancer.members": 6,
    "loadbalancer.pools": 3,
    "network.floatingips": 10,
    "network.vpn_endpoint_groups": 0,
    "network.vpn_ikepolicies": 1,
    "network.vpn_ipsec_site_connections": 1,
    "network.vpn_ipsecpolicies": 1,
    "network.vpn_services": 1,
    "s3.space_bytes": 12,
    "volume.space_gb": 133,
    "volume.volumes": 7
Field Description Notes
compute.cores Number of virtual cores
compute.flavors Number of virtual machines per flavor
compute.instances Total number of virtual machines
compute.ram_mb Total RAM of virtual machines in MiB
dns.zones Number of DNS zones
loadbalancer.flavors Number of Octavia LBaaS load balancers per flavor since v2
loadbalancer.healthmonitors Number of Octavia LBaaS health monitors since v2
loadbalancer.listeners Number of Octavia LBaaS listeners since v2
loadbalancer.loadbalancers Number of Octavia LBaaS load balancers since v2
loadbalancer.members Number of Octavia LBaaS pool members since v2
loadbalancer.pools Number of Octavia LBaaS pools since v2
network.floatingips Number of floating IP addresses
network.lb_healthmonitors Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 health monitors only in regions cbk and dbl
network.lb_listeners Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 listeners only in regions cbk and dbl
network.lb_members Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 pool members only in regions cbk and dbl
network.lb_pools Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 pools only in regions cbk and dbl
network.loadbalancers Number of Neutron LBaaS v2 load balancers only in regions cbk and dbl
network.vpn_endpoint_groups Number of VPNaaS endpoint groups
network.vpn_ikepolicy Number of VPNaaS IKE policies
network.vpn_ipsec_site_connections Number of VPNaaS site connections
network.vpn_ipsecpolicies Number of VPNaaS IPSec policies
network.vpn_services Number of VPNaaS VPN services
s3.space_bytes Used size of Object Storage (S3) in Bytes
volume.space_gb Used size of Block Storage (volumes) in GiB
volume.volumes Number of Block Storage volumes

Contributed Software

One of our customers kindly created an exporter to use this API (v1) with Prometheus and made it available as open source. We are maintaining a fork on GitHub.