How to set up DNS for a Server/Website

How to set up DNS for a Server/Website


This Document will show you the essential steps to create a minimal zone with a minimal recordset for a simple Server like a Website.
For a complete overview see the reference guide.


You may need to install the designate client (plugin).

(sudo) pip install python-openstackclient python-designateclient

Create your Webserver

This is not the main focus of this document, but you can work through this howto first if you don't already have one.

Prepare the Zone and Records in OpenStack/Designate

Create a dns zone with the following command:

$ openstack zone create --email "email@domain.example" domain.example.
| Field          | Value                                |
| action         | CREATE                               |
| attributes     |                                      |
| created_at     | 2019-06-24T15:41:22.000000           |
| description    | None                                 |
| email          |                     |
| id             | 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
| masters        |                                      |
| name           | domain.example.                      |
| pool_id        | 14234f0f-1234-4444-6789-758006f43802 |
| project_id     | 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef     |
| serial         | 1561390882                           |
| status         | PENDING                              |
| transferred_at | None                                 |
| ttl            | 21600                                |
| type           | PRIMARY                              |
| updated_at     | None                                 |
| version        | 1                                    |

Create a dns record with the following command:

$ openstack recordset create --type A --record domain.example. www.domain.example.
| Field       | Value                                |
| action      | CREATE                               |
| created_at  | 2019-06-21T15:39:36.000000           |
| description | None                                 |
| id          | 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
| name        | www.domain.example.                  |
| project_id  | 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef     |
| records     |                         |
| status      | PENDING                              |
| ttl         | None                                 |
| type        | A                                    |
| updated_at  | None                                 |
| version     | 1                                    |
| zone_id     | 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
| zone_name   | domain.example.                      |

Delegate your Domain to SysEleven Stack Nameservers

The delegation of a zone will be done by the appropriate registry for the top level domain where the registered domain belongs to, e.g. DeNIC for *.de-Domains. Most likely it will be triggered via your registrar or reseller. They need to know the nameservers that the domain shall be delegated to. You can obtain that list with the following command

$ openstack recordset list domain.example. --type ns
| id                                   | name            | type | records                   | status | action |
| 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef | domain.example. | NS   | | ACTIVE | NONE   |
|                                      |                 |      | |        |        |
|                                      |                 |      | |        |        |
|                                      |                 |      | |        |        |

In this case you will have to give the nameserver names thru to your registrar. They will then arrange for the delegation. Some registries perform sanity checks on the nameservers before executing a delegation. If you encounter problems with the registry, please contact our support.

Set a PTR Record (reverse DNS) for your floating IP address

If you need PTR records for your floating IP address, you achieve that by configuring your network such that forward A-records and reverse PTR-records are set up automatically for you. Please refer to the How-to guide on adding PTR records for an existing floating IP and to the Networking reference guide.


We have delegated a domain registered elsewhere to the SysEleven Stack and created a zone for this domain with the minimum necessary records for a Webserver in the SysEleven Stack.

We can verify that the dns records resolve correctly on the Nameservers of the SysEleven Stack:

$ dig +short www.domain.example a

We can verify that the dns records resolve correctly in the public Domain Name System.

$ dig +short www.domain.example a