Percona PG-Operator


The source code and default configuration of the Building Block is available in our Infos on release notes and new features Release notes pg-operator


The Percona Operator for PostgreSQL simplifies the management of a Postgres DB main, replica (hot-standby) setup.
PG-Operator enables your team to get a PostgreSQL Cluster, or maybe your own database-as-a-service.
This Operator provides all essential features to provide the above described deployment.

If you install our curated Persona-Postgres-Operator from SysEleven, your cluster consists of a

  • pg-db (DB main)
  • pg-db-repl1 (DB replica)
  • pg-db-pgbouncer (DB connection pooler)
  • pg-db-backrest (DB backup service)
  • pg-exporter-prometheus-postgres-exporter (DB metrics exporter)
  • postgres-operator (DB operator)

Prerequisites on PG-Operator

You need to provide a storage provider for this Building Block. Proceed with the following prerequisite description to use the PG-Operator Building Block out of the box.
To complete the full setup you will need to install s3cmd, openstack cli and for testing purposes a psql client.

A recommended resource overview is listed in the table below.

CPU/vCPU Memory
6.1 1072MiB

No further activities need to be carried out in advance.

Adding the Building Block

You are good to go with the recommended cluster configuration to meet the pg-operator recommended configuration. Keep in mind that it also needs to fit your use case and your requirements.

First add a pg-operator directory inside our control repo. e.g.

mkdir syseleven-pg-operator
cd syseleven-pg-operator

Create a .gitlab-ci.yaml inside this directory and paste the following content.

  - project: syseleven/building-blocks/helmfiles/pg-operator
    file: JobDevelopment.yaml
    ref: 2.4.0

For this Building Block you need to fulfill some prerequisites if you would like to follow our recommendation to configure an automatic backup.

backups are enabled when setting
to your control-repo CI/CD variables

To get your AWS keys use the openstack cmd.

openstack ec2 credentials list
# get your access key within the first coloum called **Acccess**

openstack ec2 credentials show <Access>
# fetch the values from the field **access** for the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and secret for the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

see a detailed instruction and more here

Go to your gitlab repository Settings -> CICD - Variables and enter the above requested attributes.

Last thing you proceed with, is to publish the building block to your control repository.

git add .
git commit -m "my new pg-operator"
git push

Take a look into your control-repo and make sure your pipeline passed all the pipeline steps.

Required configuration

If you have provisioned the PG-Operator building block you have already a running Building Block.

By the time the pg-operator was deployed to your cluster successfully, you should see the following pods:

kubectl get pods -n syseleven-pg-operator

NAME                                                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
backrest-backup-pg-db-v6qgp                                 0/1     Completed   0          25m
pg-db-5bf9df4dd5-9tv2z                                      1/1     Running     0          27m
pg-db-backrest-shared-repo-5879c7c449-v6smh                 1/1     Running     0          27m
pg-db-pgbouncer-5d4dd9558d-8m9zz                            1/1     Running     0          26m
pg-db-pgbouncer-5d4dd9558d-ghq26                            1/1     Running     0          26m
pg-db-pgbouncer-5d4dd9558d-nrwgk                            1/1     Running     0          26m
pg-db-repl1-dfbc9ff7f-tc58k                                 1/1     Running     0          24m
pg-exporter-prometheus-postgres-exporter-5dccd4d749-6tb4k   1/1     Running     0          29m
postgres-operator-5d5dccdff8-dm9px                          4/4     Running     0          11d

To access the postgres db from your local workstation, you can forward the postgres with following command.

kubectl -n syseleven-pg-operator port-forward svc/pg-db-pgbouncer 5432:5432

Forwarding from -> 5432
Forwarding from [::1]:5432 -> 5432

As the deployment comes with the default user and password, you can retrieve the password for the user postgres with the following command:

kubectl -n syseleven-pg-operator get secrets pg-db-users -o jsonpath='{.data.postgres}' | base64 -d

As you did the port forwarding in the previous step, you can invoke a simple psql command to check your deployment.
Of course, you can use any other db client of your choice.


psql -h localhost -p 5432 --username=postgres --password

You will get the password prompt where you can paste the password from the above kubectl get secrets command.

Now you should see the following.

psql -h localhost -p 5432 --username=postgres --password
psql (14.5 (Homebrew), server 14.4)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \l
                                  List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges
 pgdb      | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf-8 | en_US.utf-8 | =Tc/postgres         +
           |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres+
           |          |          |             |             | pguser=CTc/postgres
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf-8 | en_US.utf-8 |
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf-8 | en_US.utf-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf-8 | en_US.utf-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
(4 rows)


Next step: check out your control repo to do more fancy configuration for your pg-operator cluster.

git clone<YourGitlabUser>/<youControlRepo>.git

Please replace the <> placeholder with your personal settings e.g.

git clone

Create a defaultUser and defaultDatabase

The Building Block pg-operator comes with a predefined user pguser and default database pgdb.

You can change it accordingly when deploying the building block by defining it on your values-pg-db.yaml:

defaultUser: "pguser"
defaultDatabase: "pgdb"

How PgBouncer works

PgBouncer is a connection pooler for PostgreSQL. It reduces the RAM usage of your database by maintaining a pool of connections for each database and user combination.

When using the service pg-db, the PgBouncer takes care of the connection pooling automatically and is part of the Building Block.

Scaling Setup and further configuration

You can get more information from our
Please stick to the official documentation of PG-Operator to learn more about scaling and further configuration options.

Known issues

Please stick to the official Percona Operator for PostgresSQL documentation to get more details on that topic.

Manually deleted PVC

As of version 1.2.0 if you manually delete a persistent volume claim of this building block, it will not be recreated. Please create the Persistent Volume Claim with the correct naming-convention. We work on providing this feature with an upcoming version.
To create a persistent Volume Claim you need to apply a configuration file. The value for must be set as accordingly for the corresponding pod. You can find the name by executing kubectl -n syseleven-pg-operator get deployment $NAME -o yaml. Afterwards you edit the name on the configuration file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    pg-cluster: pg-db
    vendor: crunchydata
  name: pg-db-repl1 #rename pvc accordingly
  namespace: syseleven-pg-operator
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1G #adjust volume size accordingly
  storageClassName: sys11-quobyte-external-provisioner
  volumeMode: Filesystem

Database fails to start with existing Backup

When a clean installation is used with an already existing Backup on S3, the Postgres-Operator does not upgrade the stanza. The error message found on your created backup-job or in the logs of pgbackrest should look like this:

kubectl -n syseleven-pg-operator exec -it pg-db-backrest-shared-repo-777b98c59-c6hq7 -- cat /tmp/db-backup.log
ERROR: WAL segment system-id <number> does not match archive system-id <other number> 

To fix this issue you can execute a command after applying the corresponding PgTask and the job stanza-create has failed. But before make sure, the correct backup is configured.

You need to use a listed backup in the existing file inside the s3 bucket, which you can retrieve with

s3cmd get s3://$BACKUP_REPO_NAME/backrestrepo/pg-db-backrest-shared-repo/backup/db/

The identifier can be found before the equals sign. In this example the identifier is 20230225-110600F and can be used in the corresponding PgTask:


If you use an old or wrong backup, you can identify it by the job pg-db-bootstrap and its logs:

WARN: Detected an earlier failed attempt to initialize
INFO: Correct the issue, remove '/pgdata/pg-db.initializing', and try again
INFO: Your data might be in: /pgdata/pg-db_2022-05-27-11-45-10

In this case, you need to delete your PgTask for restore and try again with the correct identifier.

Now you can apply a PgTask with a restore command, like so:

kind: Pgtask
    pg-cluster: pg-db
    pgouser: admin
  name: cluster1-backrest-restore
  namespace: syseleven-pg-operator
  name: cluster1-backrest-restore
  namespace: syseleven-pg-operator
    backrest-restore-from-cluster: pg-db
    backrest-restore-opts: --set=20230225-110600F
    backrest-storage-type: s3
    backrest-s3-verify-tls: "false" #we assume you did not provide a certificate for your s3-bucket yet
  tasktype: restore

For this you execute the stanza-upgrade inside the pgbackrest-pod:

kubectl -n syseleven-pg-operator exec -it pg-db-backrest-shared-repo-$YOUR_ID_HERE -- pgbackrest stanza-upgrade

Node tolerations are not accepted

As of version 1.2.0 the configuration file of this BB does not support a proper yaml-structure for setting tolerations.
If you want to set tolerations, add them as nested values:

  tolerations: '[{ "key": "", "effect": "NoSchedule", "value": "local", "operator": "Equal" }]'

Node affinities prevent a deployment and a pod keeps pending

0/4 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector, 3 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict. preemption: 0/4 nodes are available: 4 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.

This means that the persistent volume a pod tries to reach is located on another node. This happens when a persistent volume has been created before you set affinities, usually on local storage nodes.
You need to delete the current persistent volume claim and recreate it. Refer to How to use Local Storage.


Please find more infos on release notes and new features Release notes PG-Operator