See Local Path Provisioner for deploying the local storage nodes.
Deploy the PXC operator Building Block with the following configuration for the database cluster:
enabled: true
storageClass: local-path
pxc-cluster: 'true'
- key: pxc-cluster
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
Given that a worker node is unrecoverable, the database cluster needs to be recovered manually.
This is due to the fact that the used local-storage PVC has an affinity to the worker node hence keeping the pod in "Pending" state.
# Be sure that the worker node is actually gone!
# Get the PVC name of the pod and delete it
kubectl get pods -n syseleven-pxc-operator -l, --field-selector status.phase=Pending -o "jsonpath={.items[0].spec.volumes[?('datadir')].persistentVolumeClaim.claimName}{'\n'}"
kubectl delete pvc -n syseleven-pxc-operator datadir-pxc-db-pxc-X --wait=false
# Get the pod name and delete it. This will trigger it to request a new PVC on a available worker node
# This might be needed a second time if the PVC isn't deleted fast enough by k8s
kubectl get pods -n syseleven-pxc-operator -l, --field-selector status.phase=Pending -o name | xargs kubectl delete -n syseleven-pxc-operator
# The cluster state will switch back to 'Ready' after pod sucessfully joined the cluster and sync the data.
kubectl get pxc -n syseleven-pxc-operator
When a cluster loses its quorum, it must be restored manually.
This can happen when multiple worker nodes fail.
Please follow the official guide.