There are 3 ways to authenticate against a MetaKube cluster:
For every cluster we automatically generate a central admin token that gives you full admin access to the cluster. This token is the same for every logged in user.
For more information see Download a kubeconfig with a central admin token.
You can authenticate against a cluster with a ServiceAccount token. This is especially useful for technical accounts like your CI system.
For more information see Role Based Access Control with ServiceAccounts.
Optionally you can authenticate against a cluster with our SysEleven Login OpenID Provider which is powered by Keycloak. There you are provided with your own realm in which you can either manage your users and groups manually, or that you can connect to an external User Management System like LDAP, Active Directory or any SAML or OpenID Connect Provider.
For more information see Authenticating with SysEleven Login and external authentication system.