Known Issues


Object upload fails with a 501 Not Implemented error

Problem Statement:
Trying to upload objects towards the SysEleven Stack Object Storage (based on the Ceph backend) can fail depending on the signature version you are using. The integration with the OpenStack identity-and-access service Keystone limits the featureset supported by the Ceph backend. In consequence (depending on your client) you will receive a 501 error trying to upload objects.

Switch from signature version 4 to signature version 2 for object uploads.

Request timeouts using recently created EC2 credentials

Problem Statement:
Using recently-created EC2 credentials to communicate with the SysEleven Stack Object Storage may result in requests taking longer than 60 seconds. Depending on the client used for communication to the SysEleven Stack Object Storage (based on the Quobyte backend), this can further lead to request timeouts.

The problem will be gone after a few minutes, after the object storage refreshed its own user credentials cache.

S3cmd cannot download large files

Problem Statement:
When using s3cmd to manage your data in the SysEleven Stack Object Storage, you may run into an issue trying to download large files (whose size exceeds 100 GiB). You will receive a 503 response asking you to slow down even when reducing download speed to a minimum.

We suggest to download the file in multiple chunks using the HTTP Range header. s4cmd supports this out of the box using the --max-singlepart-download-size option:

s4cmd get --max-singlepart-download-size=$((50*1024**2)) --multipart-split-size=$((50*1024**2)) s3://BUCKET_NAME/FILE_NAME

The value of 52428800 Bytes = 50 GiB specified in this example is actually the default value for those parameters, so that using s4cmd without specifying those parameters should already circumvent the mentioned problem by doing multipart transfers.

Maximum number of objects

Problem Statement:
There is a technical limitation in the backend storage of SEOS of 200 million objects or directories per project per region.

Please contact our customer support if you run into (or think you may run into) this limitation.