Application Credentials

Application Credentials


Since the Queens update, OpenStack supports the creation of Application Credentials to allow users and their applications to authenticate to OpenStack. The users can delegate a subset of their assigned roles, granting an application the same or restricted authorization for their projects and resources.

Create Application Credentials

We can create application credentials using the OpenStack python CLI.

$ openstack application credential --help
Command "application" matches:
  application credential create
  application credential delete
  application credential list
  application credential show

$ openstack application credential create --help
Create new application credential

positional arguments:
  <name>                Name of the application credential

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --secret <secret>     Secret to use for authentication (if not provided, one
                        will be generated)
  --role <role>         Roles to authorize (name or ID) (repeat option to set
                        multiple values)
  --expiration <expiration>
                        Sets an expiration date for the application
                        credential, format of YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS (if not
                        provided, the application credential will not expire)
  --description <description>
                        Application credential description
  --unrestricted        Enable application credential to create and delete
                        other application credentials and trusts (this is
                        potentially dangerous behavior and is disabled by
  --restricted          Prohibit application credential from creating and
                        deleting other application credentials and trusts
                        (this is the default behavior)

In the following example we create Application Credentials which do not expire and have all roles granted which the user has assigned.

$ openstack application credential create test
| Field        | Value                                                                                  |
| description  | None                                                                                   |
| expires_at   | None                                                                                   |
| id           | 0d65b0f6c1814fb886252e5b4d945640                                                       |
| name         | test                                                                                   |
| project_id   | b58617d1abcd4c44b35467f4c41b97ce                                                       |
| roles        | viewer operator                                                                        |
| secret       | PaHdxTYcngnIbbawQu3MLKqqwyf6oh_geeBo6QG9UPNkCl0Qh7FxcJTWTKtNfRViYje590_kBW8QL7Qi9gtxeg |
| unrestricted | False                                                                                  |

The default user role assignments are described in the Reference Guide).The password for the Application Credentials is only shown once on creation, there is no way to receive the password again once the credentials are created.

$ openstack application credential show test
| Field        | Value                            |
| description  | None                             |
| expires_at   | None                             |
| id           | 0d65b0f6c1814fb886252e5b4d945640 |
| name         | test                             |
| project_id   | b58617d1abcd4c44b35467f4c41b97ce |
| roles        | operator viewer                  |
| unrestricted | False                            |

Another example would be to create Application Credentials which only have read-only role and expires at 31 December 2020 at 12:00.

$ openstack application credential create read-only --role viewer --expiration 2020-12-31T12:00:00
| Field        | Value                                                                                  |
| description  | None                                                                                   |
| expires_at   | 2020-12-31T12:00:00.000000                                                             |
| id           | 00e16b7636724a5b917b583542eccc1c                                                       |
| name         | read-only                                                                              |
| project_id   | b58617d1abcd4c44b35467f4c41b97ce                                                       |
| roles        | viewer                                                                                 |
| secret       | 4nRFnrQHG_WLgWMS7uSEBS9zGheNTB6nyXiGO7fpinxo5kmIJUtinE0iZoAcNMU2Ss3R4cys3DRVH5f_T_DUBQ |
| unrestricted | False                                                                                  |

Integrate Application Credentials

If we want to use the Application Credentials that we created in the steps before, we may create a RC file containing the credentials which can be used with the OpenStack python CLI. Be sure to replace the CREDENTIAL_ID and CREDENTIAL_SECRET accordingly and unset other related OS_.* variables.

export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3applicationcredential
export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID=0d65b0f6c1814fb886252e5b4d945640
export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET=PaHdxTYcngnIbbawQu3MLKqqwyf6oh_geeBo6QG9UPNkCl0Qh7FxcJTWTKtNfRViYje590_kBW8QL7Qi9gtxeg

Delete Application Credentials

If the Application Credentials are no longer needed, you may delete them be providing their name. Expired credentials will stay in your list until you delete them.

$ openstack application credential list
| ID                               | Name      | Project ID                       | Description | Expires At                 |
| 0d65b0f6c1814fb886252e5b4d945640 | test      | b58617d1abcd4c44b35467f4c41b97ce | None        | None                       |
| 00e16b7636724a5b917b583542eccc1c | read-only | b58617d1abcd4c44b35467f4c41b97ce | None        | 2020-12-31T12:00:00.000000 |

$ openstack application credential delete test