Issue reporting guideline

The following document describes the required form and level of details when reporting issues. It is not required but helps to investigate issues faster. It serves as a guideline on how to report issues.

Required information for faster resolutions

To minimize the time to resolution we need as much of the following information as possible:

How can we contact you?

If you provide us with additional contact options like a phone number we can contact you faster if we have any open questions.

What is the desired behavior and what do you observe?

Give us a brief overview which behavior you observed in your cluster and what you expected to see.

Which cluster is affected?

Each cluster has a unique identifier. If you don't know your identifier, you can check the second part of the name of your nodes:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                          STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
metakube-vwj2q4slrk-jrwll     Ready     <none>    13d       v1.10.2
metakube-vwj2q4slrk-s4j85     Ready     <none>    13d       v1.10.2
metakube-vwj2q4slrk-z25vc     Ready     <none>    13d       v1.10.2

In this example the cluster name is vwj2q4slrk.

Since when has the problem occurred?

It is sufficient to give us a rough estimate like

  • a few minutes ago
  • for about two hours
  • I did just realize it does not work, but have never used this feature before

But the more specific you are, the better!

How does the problem affect you?

Please give us a description how you found out about the problem and what you tried before contacting us.

What were your last steps before the problem occurred?

It might speed up the debugging process if we know which services you worked on right before the interruption.

Steps you can take in the meantime

  • Please check our Notifier if we might have a known disruption of Service ongoing
  • Check the official Kubernetes Application-
    and Cluster-Troubleshooting guides for a possible solution to your problem