

You can manage as the MachineDeployments in your cluster with different clients.

One cluster may have multiple MachineDeployments to represent different groups of nodes.


The Terraform provider is our recommended way to manage MachineDeployments as the configuration lives in code and can be automated.

resource "metakube_node_deployment" "nodes" {
  cluster_id =
  spec {
    replicas = var.node_replicas
    template {
      cloud {
        openstack {
          flavor                       = ""
          image                        =
          use_floating_ip              = false
      operating_system {
        ubuntu {}
      versions {
        kubelet = metakube_cluster.cluster.version

Complete examples can be found here.


Our tutorial shows how to manage MachineDeployment in the MetaKube UI.


Using kubectl (or any other Kubernetes client) does not use the MetaKube API and relies on Kubernetes authorization instead.
It exposes the resources directly, which can give you more granular control.

A manifest for a MachineDeployment could look like this:

kind: MachineDeployment
  name: nodes
  namespace: kube-system
  replicas: 2
      group: nodes
        group: nodes
        kubelet: 1.30.3
          cloudProvider: openstack
            availabilityZone: dbl1
            flavor: m1.small
            floatingIpPool: ext-net
            image: Ubuntu Noble 24.04 (2024-08-01)
            network: metakube-mmxfcmgjkx
            region: dbl
              - metakube-mmxfcmgjkx
            serverGroupID: fe9dcd44-f08a-492a-9e64-4e38e1d51573
            subnet: 2969ae04-a429-4c1b-83e3-2f76fc3a342a
          operatingSystem: ubuntu
          operatingSystemSpec: {}

Node lifecycle

Cluster API

MetaKube models the lifecycle of Nodes with the Kubernetes Cluster API which defines custom resources that are MachineDeployment, MachineSet & Machine.


When a new Machine is created (e.g. during rolling update), MetaKube will:

  1. Create OpenStack resources (port, server, floating IP)
  2. Wait until Node comes up and becomes Ready
    1. Server boots and gets initialization config from the OpenStack metadata service
    2. Server runs initialization code and installs Kubelet
    3. Kubelet gets a client certificate through the CSR
    4. Kubelet registers the Node for the first time
    5. OpenStack cloud controller manager initializes the Node metadata (e.g. addresses)
    6. Critical DaemonSet Pods (CNI) start running
    7. MetaKube removes the taint and marks the Node as Ready


MetaKube may delete Machines as part of:

  • Rolling updates
  • Scaling down of MachineDeployments
  • Deletion of MachineDeployments

To safely deprovision a Kubernetes Node, MetaKube will:

  1. Mark Machine object for deletion
  2. Start draining the Node, honoring potential PodDisruptionBudgets
  3. Clean up resources in cloud
  4. Delete the Machine object

This makes it safe to delete a Machine (kubectl -n kube-system delete machine my-node-1234) in order to gracefully replace a particular Kubernetes Node.

In case a server corresponding to a Kubernetes Node is deleted directly in OpenStack, the OpenStack cloud controller manager (node controller) will delete the Node object and MetaKube will clean up the corresponding Machine and create a replacement.

Rolling Update

Any change to a MachineDeployment's machine template will trigger a rolling update of the nodes.

MetaKube will gradually scale up the new MachineSet and wait until the Nodes join the cluster and become Ready before scaling down the old MachineSet.

You can manually trigger a rollover with this kubectl command:

kubectl -n kube-system patch machinedeployment $machinedeployment -p '{"spec": {"template": {"metadata": {"annotations": {"": "'$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%T.%3N%z")'"}}}}}' --type merge


Not all these options are available in all clients (UI, Terraform).
They may instead use default values.


Field Type Explanation
spec.replicas MetaKube will maintain this number of nodes for this MachineDeployment.
See also autoscaling as an alternative to a static replica count.
spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge integer or percentage During a rolling update, MetaKube may start provisioning this many more new nodes than spec.replicas.
spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable integer or percentage During a rolling update, MetaKube may start removing this many nodes below spec.replicas before new nodes become Ready.
spec.template MachineTemplate Template for the machines that get created.
Note: Any change to the machine template will trigger a rolling update!


Field Type Explanation
metadata.labels map(string) Labels that are added to the nodes
spec.versions.kubelet string (semver) The version of Kubelet. Should ideally be kept the same as the control plane version.
Changing this will replace existing nodes with new ones.

You can upgrade the control plane and Kubelet versions independently, as long as it doesn't violate the Kubernetes version skew policy.
See supported Kubernetes versions for what Kubelet versions are supported for a given control plane version.
spec.taints list(taint), see docs Taints that are added to the nodes
spec.providerSpec.value.cloudProviderSpec CloudProviderSpec Cloud provider specific configuration
spec.providerSpec.value.operatingSystem string Distro of the operating system. Either ubuntu or flatcar.
spec.providerSpec.value.operatingSystemSpec OperatingSystemSpec Operating system specific configuration
spec.providerSpec.value.sshPublicKeys list(string) Authorized SSH public keys initially installed on the machine
Once initialized, the keys are managed by the ssh-key-agent DaemonSet Pod.

CloudProviderSpec (OpenStack)

Field Type Explanation
flavor string Name of Flavor to use for the OpenStack server
See OpenStack cloud documentation for a list of available Flavors and here for limitations.
floatingIpPool string Name of external network that floating IPs for servers would be allocated from
image string OpenStack operating system image name or ID
rootDiskSizeGB number Capacity of root disk in GB
Not available for localstorage flavors.
Note: The replacement disk will incur the standard fee for network storage.
securityGroups list(string) Names of security groups that are associated with the server port
serverGroupID string ID of the server group the server belongs to
Defaults to cluster-wide shared server group, see topology
subnet string ID of subnet the server port is allocated in
tags list(string) Additional tags for the server

OperatingSystemSpec (Ubuntu)

Field Type Explanation
distUpgradeOnBoot bool Whether to upgrade packages and reboot (if necessary) on first boot