

The source code and default configuration of the Building Block is available in our code.sysEleven.de. Infos on release notes and new features please follow Release notes elasticsearch

With Elastic-Search we provide a searchengine which persists documents into its NoSQL database. You can integrate this building block to provide search engine capabilities to your application.

This building block will deploy a three node Elasticsearch cluster using the OSS variant.
These three nodes are eligible to act as master and serve as data and ingest node.

Prerequisites on Velero

You need to provide a storage provider for this Building Block. Proceed with the following prerequisite description to use the Velero Building Block out of the box.

A recommended resource overview is listed in the table below.

CPU / vCPU Memory
1.0 6GiB

No further activities need to be carried out in advance.

Adding the Building Block

Add the directory syseleven-elasticsearch to your control repository. Add a .gitlab-ci.yml to the directory with the following content:

  - project: syseleven/building-blocks/helmfiles/elasticsearch
    file: JobDevelopment.yaml
    ref: 2.33.0
  - project: syseleven/building-blocks/helmfiles/elasticsearch
    file: JobStaging.yaml
    ref: 2.33.0
  - project: syseleven/building-blocks/helmfiles/elasticsearch
    file: JobProduction.yaml
    ref: 2.33.0

Remove environments you are not using by removing their include.

Required configuration

No configuration is required.


Select Elasticsearch version

To select a different Elasticsearch version the following parameters have to be adjusted to the corresponding major version and to the specific release.

esMajorVersion: "6"
imageTag: '6.8.14'

Note: The building block only supports Elasticsearch OSS up to latest 7.10 release.

Elasticsearch heapsize/pod limits config option

For a production-grade setup, it is highly recommended to define a JVM heapsize for Elasticsearch which is half of the configured memory limit of the pod.

esJavaOpts: "-Xmx2g -Xms2g"

    memory: "4Gi"
    memory: "4Gi"

Scaling Setup

You can scale your Elastic-Search Building Block with the usual scaling techniques like increasing replicas etc.


Please find more infos on release notes and new features Release notes Elastic Search